Silently, the movements are made
The wind could blow, and the rain could fall
The earth could shake, and fire could erupt
But the dance so entrancing, none would notice
The movement pulls you in and out of reality
Showing you pain, suffering, heartbreak
And yet something is happy, laughing, smiling
A small piece never to let go
The music moves on, leaving you behind
The dancer goes with it, flying away on wings of silk
Colors pass you by, chasing the wonderfulness
A small world exists above you, before you
You reach out your hands in your last desperate attempt
Your last attempt to reach that world
The door opens, music, colors, and dancer jump through
It shuts before your very eyes, leaving you behind
A whirlwind of life overcomes you,
As you reach this world of reality once more
As you see where you truly are
The dance is over, the music done
You stand to leave, and as you look back,
You swear on all that is good, the dancer looks at you,
A smile spread softly over her face,
Once more, disappearing
Jessica Millsaps