I’m not what I seem to be,
Or at least I think I’m not,
Who am I anyway?
I used to like me a lot.
I used to like my smile,
It was so genuine,
I used to like my laughter,
It came from deep within.
I used to like my thoughts,
They sounded like a stream,
Trickling through a meadow,
Just like a dream.
Now they sound like demons,
Fighting from inside,
Growling and grumbling,
No longer scared to hide.
How can I make them quiet?
When will they go away?
When will I control them,
And tell them they can’t stay?
What is it that ails me?
What’s missing in my life?
Is it that I see myself,
Only as a wife?
A mother, a sister,
A daughter and little more?
Do I even want to wish,
Do I want to open that door?
To wish for something more than that,
Is it even my right?
Shouldn’t I be content,
And merely sit tight?
These demons I am told,
Will go away in time,
Until that day,
I shall always feel,
I have committed a crime.
A crime so very evil,
To wish for something more,
And so I beg you demons,
I truly do implore,
That you go away quietly,
From whence you came,
And do not utter another word,
Nor ever speak my name.
Aisha Sherazi