K. Jared Hosein - (Dark Humour) Amorous Neighbours at the B&B

PoemHunter.com 2014-11-07

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I sat up against the bed-head,
Lonely at a rural Bed and Breakfast room,
I flipped through the Gideon Bible
To keep me company in the gloom.

But then a strange muffled noise
Began echoing from next door.
Playful snickers and giggles
That were difficult to ignore.

Flamelets of passion seeped
Between crevices in the wall,
And I held the cross in my hand,
Closed my eyes and gave God a call.

After four long hours of
Listening to two lovers intertwine,
I fell into a deep sleep,
With a glitter lost from my shine.

When I woke up the next day,
I was going down the stairs to eat.
But two obese people blocked the path,
Unkempt, ugly and unneat.

They were two obese lovers
Whispering of sweaty sex
As they walked abreast in the hall.
And suddenly, my vow of celibacy
Did not seem so awful after all.

K. Jared Hosein


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