Bob Gotti - A Calming Grace 2014-11-07

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Rushing by with one weary heart; this is how many have their start,
Every day starts a hectic pace, in a life in need of a calming Grace.
A Grace that sets your heart at rest, when the day is one long test.
Grace with a peace that is assured, sent to all who know The Lord.

As you course through this land, you can be secure in God’s hand.
And as you’re nestled in His palm, He fills your heart with His calm.
When God takes you into His hand, He will help you to understand,
Through The Spirit you will learn, that He takes care of all concern.

Only Jesus Christ within your heart, can give your pace a new start.
His calming presence is in our soul, as the hectic tides begin to roll.
And as we face the tides in this life, with all the waves of daily strife,
Jesus helps to slow a hectic pace, as you look upon His loving face.

Christ will help you live each day, in a truly new and victorious way.
By living each day as its own, and leaving all cares at God’s Throne.
Heeding those words of The Lord, as each day has enough in store.
The peace that’s missing in the world, in your heart will be unfurled.

As you live life one day at a time, Jesus fills you with peace sublime.
The peace of God will fill the day, as you walk down the narrow way.
Weary rushing on earth will cease, as He fills your heart with peace,
As you set all cares at His Throne, looking on to your Eternal Home.

(Copyright ©03/2006)

Bob Gotti

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