Should love be a gentle, misting rain,
I'm searching for the roaring thunder.
It always thunders, when I'm fishin'.
Have fished all my life,
With obsession and complusion.
Yet care not, for fish to eat.
Something sacred about fishing.
Through fishing, I might meet myself,
Before my arrival.
I revel in their size and colors,
Have a short discussion, then release them.
Squinting shimmers of water and love from their eyes.
Fishing has taught my lessons in life.
Letting go, when I let them go.
Humility, when I catch not one.
Learning to swim, as my boat sunk.
There will come a time when all is finished,
Except the fishing.
Fishing is Holy.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
'I will so ever trust that what is deep is Holy.'
All of the big ones are caught in deep water.
I have overcome the fear of being lonely.
Never had a lonely day fishin'.
Fishing is many things to many people,
And as at time in life things aren't always fair.
If life were indeed fair, fish wouldn't feed.
But there's something to be said about fishing,
Being on the water and having those moments of clarity.
Days when the fish are gone but God is in attendance.
Barry A. Lanier