Sylvia Chidi - Smile little man 2014-11-07

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Smile little man, smile!
Show me some love
Radiate some care
Lighten up the atmosphere

Scare us not with a retarded fearful face
A smile goes a lenghty way at a steady pace
Everytime I see you, I see your frown
Your thoughts are glaring at me as if I am a vicious enemy
Demanding of you to surrender to my battalion army

Why not change your facial expressions for once
If you deem yourself not worty of silver, at least aim for bronze

Common smile little man
Show me some white teeth
Give me some love
Acknowledge I'm here

Why hath thou so miserable, day by day
A smile will make a difference to your face
Your smile will make you attractive in every place
A smile will make us listen sympathetically to your case

Drive not away the innocent ones
Allow not your frown to spoil our fun

Smile little man, smile
Smile, once, then smile twice
Smile for the ladies, smile for you
Smile for me, smile for everyone
Smile for the old ladies crossing the street
Smile little man, smile
Common give some real love for once
If you deem yourself not worty of silver, at least aim for bronze

Copyright 2005 - Sylvia Chidi

Sylvia Chidi

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