My Enthrallment for Life Living and breathing are gifts,
I have a tremendous zest
To present it with my fullest
My enthusiastically, best
Surrounded by manifold wonders
Exhibited all about me
Gorgeous displays of nature,
Unfold -- inviting me to see.
Up above -- a luminous sun
Brightening the earth just right
While a lazy, golden moon
Adds cheerfulness, to the night
Trees of green stationed about,
Enticing vivid flowers to allure
Creating their sweetness so shrewd
Emitting a fragrance, fir and pure
So great is my appreciation
For miracles, sent this way
I thank God, in Heaven
For His Blessings, everyday! My Enthrallment for Life Living and breathing are gifts,
I have a tremendous zest
To present it with my fullest
My enthusiastically, best
Surrounded by manifold wonders
Exhibited all about me
Gorgeous displays of nature,
Unfold -- inviting me to see.
Up above -- a luminous sun
Brightening the earth just right
While a lazy, golden moon
Adds cheerfulness, to the night
Trees of green stationed about,
Enticing vivid flowers to allure
Creating their sweetness so shrewd
Emitting a fragrance, fir and pure
So great is my appreciation
For miracles, sent this way
I thank God, in Heaven
For His Blessings, everyday!
Evelyn Hilpp Heslin