Around, how joyful in the chilly air
Sweet sounds are floating! While above, the sky,
Peopled with visions bright, seems calm and fair
As infant smiling 'neath a mother's eye.
It is the chant of joy that fresh, sincere,
Springs up from youthful hearts! Yet louder from that
The souls of men, to greet the laughing year
That clothed in promise, from afar doth come,
Burdened with hope and gift unfold. 'Tis well
The tortured feelings and the sad should rise
To hail some vision'd good, and tuneful swell
With songs of fairy scenes that in the skies
Are forming; of the peace and glorious fame,
And wealth and pleasure in the distance strewn.
But all must learn that song and garnished dream
May end; that magic spells around them thrown
Will melt in air; that sweet thoughts, redolent
As spring-time buds may droop and faint and die;
That wish and vision bright are impotent
To clothe the mind with light; to fit the eye,
To guide the spirit's growth; to lead it on
To triumph in the world; to gain a wreath
Of praise enduring, as those souls have won,
Whose works do raise them from contempt and death.
'Tis thought alone, creative fervent thought!
Earnest in life, and in its purpose bent
To uphold truth and right, that rich is fraught
With songs unceasing, and with gleamings sent
Of sure things coming from a brighter world.
'Tis thought alone; girt round with quickening light,
With vision lofty, and with wing unfurled
Ready to soar, self-poised, when darkest night
Of power and of death descends, that can,
As days flit by, and years grow old apace,
Rejoice o'er bright scenes fled, and strengthened stand
More glorious things, singing with youthful face.
Charles Lewis Reason