They leave their homes
Unwillingly forced
And follow their fate
Through fields and trails
Massifs and woods
With all their goods
Love and hate
Mores and tales
All in bales
Carrying their own
Flesh and bones
Feet like stones
Their bodies and souls
Kids and crones
Torn by storms,
Rains and gales
Attacked by guns,
Helis and drones
No role to play
In games of peace
And deadly war
Not a word they say
But a question,
Why? What for?
While we yawn
Sitting at ease
In our climes
They leave their homes
And reside in camps
Strive for a living
Internally displaced and dead
Beg for a dropp of water
And a piece of bread!
(May 12,2009)
(*) Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) is a neoteric terminology used in reference to those people who adopt refuge in their own countries due to any life threatening disturbance like fight between the extremists and security agencies or fight between the local millitant groups that results in catastrophic changes in their lives and they leave their homes due to anarchy in their respective area. (NAN)
Naseer Ahmed Nasir