If I could talk to my daughter right now
I would tell her no matter what she has done I will be proud
no one can understand the unending river of emotions that i feel
and its so amazing because at this moment she is not yet real
i can almost feel her as she is placed in my arms
the safe haven that will keep her from any harm
if i could talk to my daughter right now
i would let her know what is not allowed
the rules would be simple and set firm in place
not because i want to be mean, but for just in case
i can understand what she goes through and when she needs space
just like when she gets heartbroken and needs a warm embrace
if i could talk to my daughter right now
all i would say is 'wow'
for the beauty she'll be blessed with will radiate brighter than the sun above
but the beauty inside her is what will make everyone fall in love
her laugh and her smile will be like sweet honey
she will be strong and gentle, honest and funny
if i could talk to my daughter right now
i wouldn't say anything at all...
because my love her would speak volumes.
Sarah Mattingly