a can i one hand and bottle in the other
please help me through this night
a coke in one hand and bottle in the other
please help me through this night
she checks to see if theirs coke left
its a third of the way full
a coke in one hand and pills in the other
please let her make it through the night
a coke in one hand and some pills in the other
please help us through the night
she isn't holding on to pills
she's holding onto death
while holding onto a two thirds empty can
theirs a coke in her hand and no pills in the other
theirs no pills in her right hand just a coke in her left
now there is a coke on the grass
two thirds of the way empty
their's also a bottle
a bottle of pills on the ground
right next to the bottle on the ground
their is a coke
a third of the way full
we made it
through that night
Douglas James Decker