Ask me not
What matters to me
Because, nothing matters
Think of every matter
It matters only
When it matters to you
But to me
It may not really matter
As it matters to you
But the fact remains
It Matters...
Yes, It Does!
The number one
Of all that matters
The matter of death
Does it matter to you?
Yes! To many who care
No! To many who do not care
There are those who care to die
There are those who care for life
To both, death means two
Yet, all humans must die
Death is a must
It Matters...
Yes, It Does!
Life is all we want
Love is all we seek
Peace is what we pray
Power is what we seek
Beauty is what we want
These and many more matter
They matter to those who care
They bake in the mind
With unquenchable fire
Till beautiful bagels are baked
Whatever it is that matters to you
It Matters...
Yes, It Does!
Samuel Eyitayo