Some women only love men that don't love them
Some men only love women that love them too much
Some women only love men that are unattainable
Some men only love women who are too available
Some women only love men they can control
Some women only love men who don't have any real emotion
Some men like women who are fast and loose
Some men like faithful wife-women but like the loose ones too
Some men like the bottle and fast times and more booze
Some women like God only and men they can control
Some men don't really like to be at home
Some women are happiest when the man is gone.
Some women are happiest alone
Some women are sad and unhappy
Some men are angry and unhappy
Some men and women are just happy with
being wanted
with being needed however dysfunctional
with having a house and kids and a job
and don't hope for more.
These are some men and women: not all of us
cause some women and men really like and love each other
for true and real
some women and men are
even if together
they feel alone
Some men and women
and live alone
satisfied that
alone is best
a 'togetherness'
which kills the soul.
Most us have
experienced one or more of these
and that is life's way
of helping us to grow.
Lonnie Hicks