Gainsbourg: Je t'aime...Moi non plus / Gainsbourg (Vie héroïque) (2010) - Trailer International

Unifrance 2014-10-29

Views 37

Directed by : Joann Sfar
Produced by : One World Films
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 2 h 10 min
French release: 20/01/2010
Production year: 2009

It's the story, amusing and fantastic, of Serge Gainsbourg and his famous mug. It's the story of a little Jewish boy who saunters about in a Paris occupied by the Germans; of a young, timid poet who leaves behind his paintings and his room beneath the rooftops to dazzle nightclub crowds during the Swinging Sixties. It's a "heroic life" where the creatures of his mind become full-bodied on screen and his eloquence is a good match with his scandalous love affairs. From these elements arises a subversive work, with a loyal and rebellious citoyen as its star who stirs up the whole world.

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