Geetha Jayakumar - Choice is Yours! 2014-10-29

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It was raining heavily.
I was on thrill of driving
My brand new car
Which my bro gifted to me
On my birthday
With six of my friends
Choked up in it
With loud music on
None wearing seat belt!

I was driving at low speed
But my friends challenged me
They mocked me
Are you driving car or bullock cart

I saw highway empty
But still raining heavily!
With darkness of night.
I said just wait and watch!

I increased the speed
Kept on increasing
As all were enjoying!

Road was with ups and down
Passing thru hills
All of a sudden came a steep turn
I try to slow down
Music was very loud that
I couldn't hear the warning signal
From other passing car.
Then I felt my break failed
I tried to stop the car hopelessly.

But car collided with the divider
Within a seconds
Every one was thrown out of car
I don't know long I was unconscious!

All I could see is
All my friends lying in hospital bed
With fractures.
Except one.

I went searching for him and understood
That he is no more.
I could see his body lying ready
For funeral.
All our friends and his family was crying
His smiling photo was hung
on wall
with garland on it...
It smiled and said

Speed thrills
But also kills.
So let's not enjoy this thrill anymore!

Geetha Jayakumar

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