I remember the day when the terrorists shocked
Our world. I remember that sad and dark day.
Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers, other hijacked
Plane hit the Pentagon and another one landed
In Pennsylvania and exploded; all aboard died.
Thousands innocent people lost their lives.
I vividly remember that infamous day.
Thousands of people could not get away.
Millions of people panicked, millions cried.
I will always remember that day, where countless lives
Were changed forever. Thank God that the number one
Killer is now dead. Thank God that other killers can simply run
And hide; they cannot plan like that anymore,
They do not have the means to hurt us anymore.
The Almighty God is good all the time,
Even after being the victim of an egregious crime.
I will always remember 9/11,
Even when I'll reach ninety seven.
May God bless America!
May God protect America!
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