Two medic students dwelt one day
observing new admissions
and visually assessed each walk
then mused upon conditions
'A slipped disc' came a knowing nod
'I'm afraid I beg to differ,
Haemorrhoids I'm sure it is,
a slipped disc walk is stiffer'
Keen to settle their dispute
they approached the man with care,
for he had a worried look
and a disconcerting air.
'Excuse me Sir, please may we ask
of the ailment which you suffer,
I must confess in 2 hours here
there's been no one looking rougher.
My friend he thinks you've slipped a disc,
myself, I think it's piles'
The man he glared and drew a breath.
'You've misdiagnosed by miles.
Bad back you say, well you were wrong
With piles you were wrong too
I thought I'd wind and I was wrong
and now I've followed through!
chris dawson