Struggling with questions within me,
I seek for answers still;
Unseen tears shed every night,
So heavy they could almost kill.
What is the whole idea of life,
What do i seek to achieve?
Where is joy when there is strife,
There's nothing good for me to receive.
Day into night,
Left to right,
I wander on with hope fading
Hope unreal,
Hope stealed,
I suffer with these questions within.
I am so lonely,
Accompanied only with this question.
What is life?
What IS life?
Empty hopes,
Hopeless emptiness,
Worthless dreams,
Dreamless worth.
Loneliness within me,
I fear myself,
I fear the future,
I fear being alive,
I fear life itself.
LIfe isn't life without pure joy.
What is life?
What then is life?
Empty hopes,
Hopeless emptiness.
broken jar of clay