I've heard the news this morning and it came as no surprise
Of how the Irish poet Seamus Heaney had won the Nobel Prize
His place assured in literature along with other greats
With Beckett, Joyce and Kipling and Oscar Wilde and Yeats.
In Heaney's great achievement the Irish can take pride
By World press for too long their worth has been denied
The troubles in Northern Ireland in news headlines for years
They tried to portray Ireland as land of blood and tears.
Around the bards and writers the Celtic culture grew
And why classify a whole race due to unworthy few
A bomb goes off in London the banner headlines 'shame'
And for act of individual a whole race take the blame.
The pre peace bombs in Belfast made World headline news
And for crimes of individuals a whole race stood accused
And when Seamus Heaney wins the prize why not I too feel pride
For too long of the Irish their worth has been denied.
Good on you Seamus Heaney with World's best you stand
You've brought yourself great honour as well as to Ireland
Like Yeats and Joyce before you, you've earnt your literary
As a very honoured member of a very worthy race.
Francis Duggan