Cassie Biege - My life with anorexia 2014-10-28

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you laugh, i cry

you scream, i die.

im sad, ur not

im mad that we fought.

anger is, my last friend

it stays with me, to the end.

and right now, i just know

that if i stay, ill have to go.

and i wont eat, so now i starve

cause perfection is, my goal at heart.

and lastly, i wish

that the pounds would melt.

that the taunting would stop

and people knew how i felt.

but of course they do not

and so i now fall.

after being so high

after feeling so tall.

i just want to cry

im dying, u know.

and you can see it

but i dont.

all i see

is the fat on my thighs.

and really dont see

my dark baggy eyes.

and so you start laughing

and so i cry.

and then you scream

and then i die.

Cassie Biege

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