This is our fairytale right?
you may be no knight
in shining armor
and i may be no princess
in a beautiful gown
but one things for sure
we both wear crowns
you came riding in
on your horse with four wheels
i looked down
from my tower i created
and realized we both wear crowns
we walked hand in hand
with the wind singing our song
you wrapped your arms around me
thinking this won't last very long
amazed by what we found
on how we both wear crowns
on our way home
we ran in to some mountains
not thinking we'd get over
i went and sat down
you picked me up and we made it
we were almost to town
i looked up and remembered
we were both wearing crowns
you took me to a place
one i'm not very used to
the people were care-free
and i learned to be just like you
to have fun and hold on tight
i love this place
where the music never stops
all you can hear is the sounds
no lonely sound
i heard a clank
and realized we were both wearing crowns
later down the road
i saw other people wearing crowns to
laughing and smiling together
all these people who were happy
with no care heavier than a feather
i felt a weight lift off me
scared to death i looked up
i was relieved to see
we were both wearing crowns
this IS our fairytale
Just Becca