How To Use Glycerin on Hair | Relaxed Hair and Natural Hair Products

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Erica is curious about glycerin because on forums, women have said that is has helped them keep their hair moisturized but how can she use it without having sticky hair.

Hair Tip #1 Glycerin Is a Humectant and Humectants Attract Water
Make sure that when you are using glycerin, it is contained within a leave in moisturizer or deep conditioner to help your hair to absorb as much moisture (water) as possible to allow your hair to reach its optimal level of moisture.

Top Rated Leave Ins Moisturizer/Conditioners (containing Glycerin)
DevaCurl B'Leave-In curl Boost and Volumizer
Lustrasilk Right On Curl Instant Moisturizing Conditioner
John Frieda Frizz Ease Daily Nourishment Leave-In Conditioning Spray

Hair Tip #2 Great in Deep Conditioners Banana, Honey, and Aloe Vera Juice/Jel
Glycerin is a phenomenal ingredient to use in deep conditioners because it is a humectant like banana, honey and aloe Vera which is great for attracting as much water to the surface of your hair. With the help of a steamer, you will allow water to penetrate deeply into the layers of your hair to internally moisturize your hair from the inside out.

Hair Tip #3 Glycerin in Humid Weather Can Make Hair Limp, In Dry Climates Sticky
In dry climate (low humidity) your hair will feel sticky and this can cause your scalp to feel dry and in need of moisture because glycerin is looking to absorb water from where it can which will be in this case, from your scalp. Use glycerin instead in a moderate to high humidity environment but still “test the waters” with this product because in high humidity, this can cause your hair to feel so moist that it becomes limp!

Vegetable Glycerin

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DISCLAIMER: All suggestions, tips, prizes, techniques and advice given are for informational purposes only and should be used at your discretion and best judgment. I highly recommend conducting strand tests when trying or using new products, hair appliances and product mixes. I am not responsible or liable for adverse or undesirable effects including hair loss, hair breakage or other hair/scalp/skin/body damage as a direct or indirect result of the suggestions, tips, prizes, techniques and/or advice given.

FTC: I am not representing, being paid by, or endorsing any of the product brands in this video & I purchased everything with my own money - UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED in video/blog content. There are links to products that might be helpful based on the content of this video/blog. Each of your purchases via our Amazon affiliate links supports our cause at no additional cost to you.

Music Used
Isolated Kevin MacLeod

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