Much has occurred in this life
Usually we would loose the scent
Surely you can hear the moaning
Inside you can feel the shift
Carefully you must seal the rift
Call to your brothers and sisiters
Announce to the world if you dare
Never forget we are focused
Beware those who condem you
Enjoy those who give freely their love
Hear the call to create
Escape from your shackles of fear
Allow yourself to enjoy the day
Rest assured there will be more of these
Drive forward with renewed vitality
Ecstacy will be yours for the taking
Victory is but a breath away
Each one of your dreams can be fulfilled
Now is the time to take the lead
New horizons of adventure are coming
Only impatience will let them go
Wake up and enjoy the new you
The dance of life is a difficult one
The dazzle is but part of the tale
Experience the good with the bad
And the life you lead will be glad
Thank your forefathers for giving you this chance.
Alison Smith