Jean Penner - The Whisper of God's Love 2014-10-28

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Soft, the Whisper of God's love,
Was spoken to me through the years,
From the gentle rock of a cradle,
To the silent wipe of a tear,
A hand that was held in my childhood,
An eye that watched o'er as I played,
The soft little kiss of 'I love you',
When at night in slumber I lay.

Soft, the Whisper of God's love,
Grew, as I did, through the years,
Teaching me how to make choices,
Guiding me through all my fears,
From the heart that felt all my sorrows,
To the mind that knew all my pain,
The tender words of 'I love you',
Made rainbows after the rain.

Soft, the Whisper of God's love,
Will follow me through my years,
In joy, I'll feel the presence,
In love, I'll know the care,
In earnest, I'll remember,
In eagerness, I will hear,
'Be soft', the voice will tell me,
Your Whisper of love is here.

Jean Penner

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