INRI,PAX JESUS-CHRIST!"The Creation aspire to Manifestation of the Sons of God!"Romans-2Timothy"S.Cali

Salvatore Cali 2014-10-24

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- It's the Testimony of Christ Risen who makes the Living faith ... and who Operates Wonders, Lord! ... (Luke 6)
It's written in The Law that the Testimony of Two Men is true ... (John 8.12-20)

- All has written, and All has Created to Jesus-Christ! ...
Jesus was 33 years old when he's Resurrected from among the dead ...
And it has need 46 years at Our Fathers to Build This Temple ...
And you, are going to Rebuild it in Three Days !!! (All That is hidden ...; Manifest It in full Light !!! Amen.)
This Temple, Who was inaugurated on the eve of Christmas in the year 514 ...
It's Zorobabel and Joshua Who lay The Foundation Stone, The Living Stones ... (1 Peter -Esra)
Only God cares about the Poor !!! (Proverbs 1-14;)
- Whoever Love God, Love his Brother too! ... (1 John)
Listen ..., and hear the scream of the Poor, Lord ... (Psalms 1-22;Apocalypse 11)
Come on, Come on ..., extending your hand, extend your Right Lord! ... (Apocalypse 4-7;Psalms 73-89)

- Lord, Lord Jesus;
It's your Return, it's your Return on Earth as in Heaven who is Truth, and Eternal Life !!! (Luke 15-Apocalypse 5)
- Take your Sickle and Reap, because the time to Reap has come, "for the Harvest of the earth is Ripe! ..." (Apocalypse 14)
- It's me, it's me, I was the First to tell to Zion: Here they are, Here they are !!! (Isaiah 1-66)
"And Here... : This was The Beginning!..." (Gospel of Jesus Christ, according to S. John ...)

- He has price the Blood of Innocents to Eyes of The Eternal ! ... (Apocalypse 1-22;Psalm 72)
Woe, woe .... Woe to Babylon, because the Lord hates the innocents of Sunday ... And wicked men ..., like women, are an abomination to him .... (Hosea)
- Thus saith the Lord, The Eternal Of Hosts !!! (Book of Malachi The Prophet ...)

- At that time Michaël, the Great Prince who protects your people, will Arise (And it will rise like yeast...). There will be a time of distress... (Daniel 12)
It Will Be in A time, Two times, and Half a Third time! (A time equals 42 months!)
- And you, little Child, will be called the Prophet of the Most High; For you will go before the Lord, you will prepare the way of the Messiah; ... (Luke 1-7)
- Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called the Son of God! (Matthew 5)
- Happy are also all the Winners ... ! (Apocalypse 1-3)
- Lord .... I trust you, Lord JESUS; God Almighty !!! (Hebrews 1-10)
" AND YOU WILL DO JUSTICE !!!!!!! " SalvatoreFrancescoCali AMEN! In Nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spiritus Sancti !!! PAX Vobis! PAX Vobis! (Chapter 19)

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