Megaman March Madness - Megaman Reloaded Part 1

Eizen D. Broniac 2014-09-29

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Last year, I did the first of what I would make an annual thing on my YouTube channel, Megaman March Madness. The idea behind this, was to play Megaman games (original runs, challenge runs, romhacks based off the original games, etc.) during the entire month of March. Enjoy me going through the first year where I played 6 different Megaman romhacks!

"The titles for each part of the videos will be shown IN the video, so just take it as it is folks. Anyway, with that said, welcome to the first hack I'll be LPing throughout the entire month of March - Megaman: Reloaded.

Much like in my Original Megaman LP, I'll be going in weakness order (I'll try to defeat each level with just a buster only, but I don't even DARE think of sticking to that rule in the end, the middle, hell maybe even close to the beginning.)

In this video, we'll be looking at two parts involving both my favorite Robot Master from 1 and Bohepans the Third's favorite from 1, Cutman and Elecman. Everything else you need to know about this romhack is what I'll try to explain in this 1st video."

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