Speaking to media in Multan,Jahangir Tareen said the letter of suspension from party has been served to Hashmi and he will have to appear before committee to answer that why he publically disclosed the decisions made in PTI’s core committee meetings. He said from demonstrations against election rigging to long march towards Islamabad, Hashmi was involved in party’s every decision. Last week, PTI had served show-cause notice to Hashmi seeking explanation over his statements in violation of the party’s policy by September 29.
He further said that we had given the resignations now it is speaker’s responsibility to approve them.
Speaker is using unconstitutional and delaying tactics as he was not approving the resignations due to which by elections would not take place on a same day. He said, PTI has written a letter to Speaker for the approval of resignations, he should call us in the form of group we are ready to go. Jahangir Tareen said being Secretary General of PTI he wrote the letter of suspension to Javed Hashmi on the direction of Chairman PTI Imran Khan.