Russia: Meet these TEN cute rare tiger cubs

Ruptly 2014-09-24

Views 676

Video ID: 20140923-011

C/U Baby Amur tiger eating meat
C/U Baby Amur tigers
M/S Tiger mother with baby tigers
C/U Baby Amur tiger
C/U Baby Amur tigers behind tree
C/U Baby Amur tiger playing with long grass
M/S Tiger mother with baby tigers
SOT, Crimean safari park caretaker (Russian): "In the Crimean safari park there are many Siberian tigers. In this open-air cage with a capacity of about 1000 square metres we have collected the brood from three female tigers and are training them for a standalone life. We are hoping the time will come when the Amur tigers can return to the Ussuri area to complete the number of the tiger population, of which there are only a few hundred tigers left. If not, we are set to build a new and bigger park with a territory over 10 square kilometres big, the Tiger Park. We will continue to save this incredible tiger species."
M/S Baby tigers eating
W/S Tiger mother with baby tigers, tiger mother turns to camera


The Taigan safari park in Crimea celebrated the arrival of not one but 10 adorable yet critically endangered Amur tiger cubs on Monday. The cubs, which belong to an extremely rare species, were born to three different mothers at the safari park.

Amur tigers are considered to be an endangered species by the World Wildlife Fund, estimating that only 450 of the species are left in the wild, primarily in Russia's far eastern Primorye and Khabarovsk regions.

Surveys have indicated that in the mid-Noughties the tigers' population went into decline, due to heavy poaching and substantial snows, as well as a markedly low genetic diversity and breeding.
The Amurs' mountainous habitat further exacerbates the problem. More than 90% of the population lives in the Sikhote Alin mountain region, cut off from breeding with the sub-population of southwest Primorye province.

As Amur tigers are close to extinction, the zoo is considering plans to build a bigger park just for tigers, but dates have not yet been set.

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