Learning goals :
- To understand the role and structure of each element of the financial statements in evaluating a company’s financial health;
- To be able to apply key indicators and make use of the financial statements when making decisions regarding the running of the business;
- To be able to use key rules to keep the company away from risks and generate higher profits;
- To understand certain key differences between IFRS and VAS to help managers accurately analyze financial statements prepared under VAS.
Chapters :
- Introduction
- Balance sheet
- Profit and Loss statement (P&L) or Income statement (IS)
- Cash flows statement
- Owners’ Equity statement
- Differences between IFRS and VAS
- Conclusion
- Quiz : Right operational decisions
A word from the author:
The financial statements can be used to compare two or more financial periods (balance sheet, profit and loss account, and the notes to the accounts), in order to determine the financial health of the company.
In most cases, the financial analyst needs to comment on the financial independence, the financial balance, liquidity, profitability, and the value added of the company.
The financial strength of the company is at the heart of the chief executive’s key concerns because it is one of the main factors determining the company’s sustainability.