Skoda has introduced the face-lifted 2014 model year of the Yeti in India with prices ranging between Rs. 18.63 lakh to Rs. 20.14 lakh (ex-showroom Maharashtra). The new Skoda Yeti has been launched in two variants, a two-wheel drive model that is priced at Rs. 18.63 lakh while the four-wheel drive model is priced at Rs. 20.14 lakh. The Yeti is available in the single top-of-the-line Elegance trim for both models, making the SUV a very well equipped vehicle indeed.
The car comes fitted with one touch power windows all around, electrically folding ORVMs with memory, defogger for rear window and ORVMs, climate control, cruise control, electrically adjustable driver’s seat with three memory settings, tyre pressure monitoring system, tilt and telescopic adjustable steering wheel, steering mounted audio controls, driver information display, follow me home head lamps, height adjustable front seat belts, foldable and removable rear seats and an eight speaker Bolero sound system that can play music off a host of devices such as phones via Bluetooth, USB, SD cars, CDs, iPods and more.