Solar Storm Makes Its Way Towards Earth

Geo Beats 2014-09-11

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There’s a big solar storm headed for Earth and when it arrives it’s expected to have an effect on the power grid, radio transmissions, and satellites.

There’s a big solar storm headed for Earth and when it arrives it’s expected to have an effect on the power grid, radio transmissions, and satellites.

It isn’t anticipated that it will cause severe problems, but scientists are concerned about the size and location of the sun’s recent eruptions.

A smaller solar event occurred on September 8th and it’s impact has already reached our planet, causing a slight disruption to radio communications when it did.

The larger of the two developed on the 10th and its aftermath is still en route.

When weather events on the sun such as these happen, they result in the creation of a coronal mass ejection, or a CME.

Billions of electrically charged particles form a traveling mass that can mess with a planet’s magnetic sphere if it gets too close.

In the case of Earth, with all of its electricity and communication networks, the effects can extend to and even wipe out such manmade systems.

It’s not believed that will be the case in this instance, but scientists are keeping a close watch on the storm’s activity.

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