Boostez Votre Business Avec Bnp Paribas Fortis

2027 2014-09-08

Views 15

Jeesus, my palms are sweaty watching this. Does this person WANT to have a chunk of flesh ripped out?
I've had a thing for this singer for a few years now. In all honesty, I have a thing for a lot of female French singers...
Interesting take, but I would argue that the Danny sees the twins and Wendy sees the ghosts in the final scene as well. Plus the fact that Jack ends up in the picture from the 30's at the end.
I hate these bumb questions, they only become relevant in the slightest when people and objects begin to teleport infront of the car. The car can see more than 10ft infront of it. It will be well aware of the barrier as it approaches and will be able to slow down and and properly handle the situation. This article would suggest that that autonomous cars will constantly be darting around at full speed and slamming on the breaks last minute...

Autonomis cars won't have to deal with these kinds of human decision because it didn't make the human errors that got it to that point in the first place.
Hello there.
I watched the first season or so of the new show. It was not bad, but not good enough to make me keep watching it... (Although I have to confess that I miss those scenes with Jay Ryan shirtless. Wink, wink. =)
That is very relevant.
I consistently keep trying to pronounce anonymous as if the second n isn't there. I don't get why I do this either.
Something you can easily change your mind on!
I wonder which one of these two projects is still good today. Aphex Twin hasn't been good for a long time


::fistpumps the air:: Whoo! Thank you! I think you'll enjoy the rest, too!

Mediocre :)
Sure wish the supreme court would do something about congressmen being allowed to do insider trading...
Get rid of that pesky 22nd Amendment, and Obama would win in a landslide.
Of course they should, but they won't. Fox is too finnicky for that.
I get it... time is running out.
Are you pulling facts out of your ass?

According to a biography of Bale written by his former assistant, his daily diet at this time consisted of "water, an apple and one cup of coffee per day, with the occasional whiskey"


He could still be kind to people who have done him no wrong. Which is one of my ideas. Have him be extremely ruthless towards his brothers empire, but, willing to give his brother a chance once they meet.

Along with him helping unfortunate people he meets along the way or stopping people committing unjustified actions

Animals are people

And come on man, you know what I meant
I wasn't jumping down your throat & I've come across the idea many times in futurology, so I know people give it thought.

Now that they are both getting so cheap; I wonder will having excess capacity in wind/solar help with intermittentcy?
not even 30 minutes ago, i had a guy yell and swear at me, telling me to slow down. he did this because i honked at him while he was in the left lane slamming on his brakes to 20 under the limit... to take a photo of some redneck truck. but i'm the dangerous one who needs to slow down.
That's not true and you know it. Body cameras and the dash cam are what constantly turn around cases to be in favor of those abused. Didn't you pay attention to the newest cases last month where the police department tried to hide them but the mayor was the one who ordered the officers to give the footage and sure enough it showed significant corruption and illegality on the officers part. What about the one where they ran over a mentally ill person and then shot fourteen times murdering the guy?

Corruption is wide spread because those not corrupt continue to protect or look the other way about these instances which spreads the thin blue line and further corrupts.

Why are you trying to distort that reality?
Wait what? Source please? If so, it'll become busy times for the ICJ if Clinton becomes US president with all the war crimes going to be committed.
Agreed, it's crap like this that's going to usher in automated cars. Human drivers are the problem by and large.
artist pic

Techno duo Project from Greece.
Artists: Steve Sai & Mattik
Releases :
Diffuse - Thinking Thin (Nov 14, 2006_Nrg Records Greece)
Diffuse - The Secret (2007, Rhythmetic Records Vinyl 07)

FREE DOWNLOAD LINK : Read more on 157 listeners, 826 plays
tags: doomcore, Steve Sai, mattik

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