Gearing Up For Aneo First Flight

Phyliss   2014-09-05

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Unfortunately in life you will be presented with mostly shitty humans.. I think we have all seen our fair share, dated complete assholes and the pain you suffer even makes you wonder if its worth it? That is something you must decide for yourself. For me, I will push forward.. I refuse to believe there isn't good people in this world. I hope you find someone soon. :)
[]i get people on the bus ( which thankfully i hardly ever have to use) ask me if I have Weed to sell to them ( i dont even smoke tobbaco). Their reasoning? im a dude with long hair; i must have some form of drugs.
[]Wow so much trouble you had to go through. Glad it worked out.

In my country, a colleague just asked and he got a new motorized desk installed within a week.
[]Until someone decides to sue you for false advertisement
[]I was in the hospital for a week and a half when I had my daughter. The food was really, really good and we were all very surprised!
And after she agreed to help me with school out of the goodness of her heart? After getting to know her and realize how sweet she is? No, I could never hurt her for my own personally gain. No matter how bad I want her, I'd hate to see her get hurt.

This. You, sir, are a gentleman!
[]his voice is really nice
[]Why wouldn't you want more than one didgeridoo?
[]I don't know, Peter Molyneux things I guess.
[]This is relative to your living expenses. For instance, if you earn 70k, have a wife and two kids then you can't really spend like an idiot. Then again if you earn 200k a year and live by yourself then... let's say you can just call a concierge service, tell them your travelling plans and ask them to please arrange it for you, give them some details and they'll work it out for you. It'll be a lot more expensive to do that than to actually plan by yourself and look for the best option (relative to it's cost) but hey, you don't have to lift a damn finger.

For instance, I myself can afford to travel every now and then, but I can't just waste money. Before touring Europe I had to do research about hotels, where to go, how to get the most out of my time there... because I can't travel that often because of money. If travelling costs didn't really matter to me I'd probably enjoy it a lot more.
[]It's pretty funny that teachers get to go to school for about 6 years and then get to get lumped into non skilled labor because that's how poorly teachers are paid.
[]I guess the guy didn't get smashed and smeared to smithereens..
They are looking for him though.
[]My "Save Ferris" shirt I poached from my dad (I'm 19) you can really separate the wheat from the chaff by who understands it
[]This article makes no sense at all. They have to be leaving something out. He comitted a crime, a fucking awful one, and they let him go because he wants to start a family? It makes no sense.
[]Just know a few technical skills, but more importantly, know how to communicate and deal with people.
[]Yea gotta love that. Black guy has a white daughter. Because apparently it's fine to turn the bullheaded idiot with flame powers into a black man, but turning the smart, confident, intelligent woman (who is unquestionably the most powerful member of the team) who dates a white guy into a black woman is just unrealistic.
[]You should check out Sweden. There, immigrants are given free housing (good housing), free food, and offered free education. What do they do? Complain the housing isn't spacious enough, the food isn't halal, and the schools won't let them segregate girls from boys. Then they turn around and accuse the state and the Swedish people of being bigots for not catering to their cultural preferences . . . and the government fucking agrees. Meanwhile, these same immigrants are literally causing Jewish people to leave their homes because they no longer feel safe in their neighborhoods (due to threats and open Antisemitism).

Some immigrants genuinely need and want help, but a frighteningly significant portion of them are just fucking parasites.
[]Oh Sprog, dear Sprog how I love thee.
It puzzles me how you would do this for free!
I tried to rhyme more, but I came up flat,
I seems my attempt is a something I shat!
[]Yes, it can't when you have done almost everything with that money and left with nothing new to do.
[]Much thanks. Nice to know someone else has that same feeling. Will see what I can do!
[]Dad always wanted me to be an athlete. I don't think he understood the appeal of gaming and that it's not just a time waster.
[]Mmmm bacon...

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