The My Genre Project - #Booktube TAG!

Calebjross 2014-07-24

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What is your preferred genre and why?

Give your most impassioned pitch for why you like reading in a particular genre. I will then compile all of the videos into a My Genre Project playlist. The goal is to have a collection of videos to represent the most engaging qualities for each genre. This playlist can hopefully act as a starting point for readers looking to dig into new genres.

1. What is the genre?
2. Give us some examples of your favorite books in this genre
3. Why do you love this genre?
4. Tell me about the video so I can add it to my playlist. Leave a comment below or notify me via Twitter (@calebjross)
5. Tell all the booktubers you know. The more responses we have, the more helpful and fun this playlist will be.
6. Finally, title your video with the genre first then the phrase "My Genre Project" following.

I've already started the tag with my own video which you can watch here:

View the My Genre Project playlist here:

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