According to a linguistic study by the Max Planck Institute’s World Loanword Database, English is comprised of more borrowed words than any other language. But English is also the most widely borrowed from language in the world meaning that more languages adopt English words into their lexicon than any of the other 41 languages that were included in the study.
According to a linguistic study by the Max Planck Institute’s World Loanword Database, English is comprised of more borrowed words than any other language.
But English is also the most widely borrowed from language in the world, meaning that more languages adopt English words into their lexicon than any of the other 41 languages that were included in the study.
The World Loanword Database website says that there are words included in the study from 395 different languages.
Results of the study show that 42 percent of the English language is made up of words from other languages, compared with only 2 percent of Chinese, which was had the least number of borrowed words.
Some countries have spoken out against borrowing words from other languages including China, which reportedly wants people to stop saying Wi-Fi, e-mail, and VIP, and start using the Chinese versions of these words instead.
Also, the secretary of the Academie Française has reportedly said that people in France should use fewer loan words, calling for a “reconquest of the French language.”
Other places embrace the use of English words, or loanwords from other languages into everyday life for different reasons like convenience, or cultural borrowing.