Opposing religious beliefs often stand behind the parties in an armed conflict. In some Arab countries we are seeing violence between Shia and Sunni Muslims, and in sub-Saharan Africa, Christians and Muslims are killing each other. But religious differences are rarely the cause for the violence.
Alexander Görlach - he is the founder, publisher and editor-in-chief of the German debate magazine The European.
Hamed Abdel-Samad – is the son of a Sunni Imam. At the age of 23, the Egyptian national moved to Germany. Since 2009, he has worked exclusively as a freelance writer and journalist.
Martin Gak - received his Ph.D. in philosophy from The New School for Social Research in New York. His area of work is ethics in theory and practice.
Read more: http://www.dw.de/program/quadriga/s-7296-9798