Managing change
Change is inevitable. But how well we manage changes. Often we find it difficult to cope with the change and waste our precious time in pondering over the pleasantries of the past.
We must understand, why at all a change occurred. Necessity, scarce
resources, new environment, updated facilities, etc. bring out changes.
We step in a changed environ without even a hint of the same. The best advice would be to ever be prepared for changes, favourable or otherwise. Let wisdom descend on us to appreciate and enjoy the ever changing colours of the people, places and others of this living space.
Managing change involves assessing the extent and nature of the change. It is essential to assess the gains and losses of a change, so that we get a balance. We need also to know the beneficiaries of a change and others, who may lose some privileges.
We should have the tact to monitor the impact of the change so that
unacceptable deviations are rectified then and there, by effectively
controlling the impact of the change.
We need also the courage to accept the change, even if the impact of a change is uncomfortable
Bashyam Narayanan