norman hale - Prayers Are Always Needed 2014-06-18

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Prayers are always needed
They are never a waste of time
Because God hears them all
Whether it be yours or mine

He's always there to listen
To each and every prayer
Then sends us guidance
To show us how he cares

Though some may seem silly
They might put a smile on his face
And He'll always be right there
To give His love with such grace

So get on your knees
And pray as hard as you can
Pray for those that you love
No matter, woman, child, or man

For, He's always waiting
To hear a prayer from you
And He'll still be listening
Until your days are through

So pray to the Lord above
And show Him a little more respect
You just might be surprised
On just who it might effect

written 6/1/2014 by Norman Hale Jr.

norman hale

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