I once met a man so well read,
Sunk was in ocean of logic,
Ill logic was worse than magic,
All head and no heart was his head.
He believed in splitting up things,
All things were simple sum of parts,
Felt, human mind need have no wings,
Thought, science has no room for arts.
He seldom could whole picture see,
Each component being so dear,
And missed forests focussed on tree,
Which, lost on leaves could see no clear.
Poor him, with all his well-read head,
Was not than a tinkering smith
That could never manage life’s myth,
And scarce can be called man learned.
May be a bit of poetic exaggeration, but
the piece is based on a man in flesh and
blood I was once associated with during my
working life.
- Reminiscing | 06.10.07 |
Aniruddha Pathak