The moon is about one quarter of the size of the earth in diameter and,
Love reacts with the realms to take you off your feet! !
But the moon has no light on it's own,
For it depends on the sun to give us light in the night.
Gravitational pull and emotional love,
The moon receives its light from the sun!
And like the hope of your dreams in the land of your birth,
For the woman was made for the man.
Only those who know the past can understand the present,
And like the medium of exchange! !
But some people only quote from the Bible without knowing their true meaning.
Move on with a smile on your face and leanr from your past,
And like plantain and Soya-beans in the land of your muse;
But with the benevolent way of expression to educate others,
For we are all affected by the gravitational pull!
Edward Kofi Louis