Somanathan Iyer - The destitute Girl 2014-06-17

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A small town it was wearing a festive look
Brightly and colorfully lit were houses and roads
Celebrations were in the air in enjoyment of a festival
At a throw away distance in an abandoned shed
A girl aged four was attending her ailing mother
Eager and curious in knowing the commotion on the road
Out she came, leaning against the damaged wall
Watched she people greeting and hugging each other
She found children in all age groups in new attires
Walking along with their parents in jubilant mood
To the nearby temple to offer prayers and offerings
She looked herself in a broken piece of mirror
Dry and uncombed hair, soiled and torn dress reflected her
A deep sigh descended from her projecting her poverty
Hesitatingly she followed the crowd to the famed temple
Standing under a people tree at a safe distance
She saw the temple glowing with colors and lights
The idol was richly decorated with garlands and ornaments
People in ecstasy dancing and singing praising the Lord
Varieties of eateries and quality foods were offered to the God
A glow that was rare filled her eyes receiving the offerings
The items were new and were never tasted by her
When all the people assembled there left the place
Folding her tiny hands the girl stood before the idol
One question only she asked the God that never gets answered
Why I am deprived of the happiness which others
In my age group are enjoying? What is my fault?
God stood in silence as always while priest
Came to his rescue asking the girl to vacate the place

Somanathan Iyer

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