Only in democracies reigns surprise
The majority cast their franchised rights
Elect CEOs who tell fat cat lies
In dictatorships the leader is wise
He elects himself and appoints his mites
Only in democracies reigns surprise
On election day leaders on the rise
By the hundredth day majority fights
Elect CEOs who tell fat cat lies
By end of first term majority dies
Wonders how they kept the leader uprights
Only in democracies reigns surprise
By start of second term the voter cries
Give us our oligarchy by rights
Elect CEOs who tell fat cat lies
In dictatorships people march in files
To show they don’t much care about rights
Only in democracies reigns surprise
Elect CEOs who tell fat cat lies.
© T. Wignesan – Paris,2013
T (no first name) Wignesan