Dear Mom, I don't know if you'll get this
But I'm sending it anyway
It's been so long since I've seen your face
And there's a lot I have to say
The first thing is that I miss you all
I am sorry and I feel bad
I know what happened isn't my fault
But I hate seeing you so sad
I know how very much you love me
Because it shows with every tear
What I really want you to know is
Though you can't see me, I am here
I am in every ray of sunshine
That lights up your beautiful face
I'm in the wind that kisses your cheek
And the memories that you embrace
You see I've never really left you
I have been with you since the start
I'm in each and every one of you
Because you've kept me in your heart
My final wish is that you're happy
So please, cry no more tears for me
I am in heaven waiting for you
With love, your daughter Natalee
The Poet Darkling