Ontario Elects Corruption - Obama Hates 2nd Amendment

RightEdition 2014-06-17

Views 94

Corruption doesn't matter anymore, that is the lesson of Ontario's election.

Voters were given three distinct options on Thursday and they opted to reward a tired, corrupt and incompetent government rather than turn course to the left or the right.

Despite police investigations into the goings on at Queen's Park and the involvement of Kathleen Wynne in the decision to squander $1 billion on gas plants that were never built just to save Liberal seats, voters chose to stick with Wynne and her Liberals.

Over the last 18 months in Ottawa the Senate has been rocked by spending scandals like the one involving Mike Duffy. Duffy has been kicked out of the Conservative caucus and suspended from the Senate over allegations that he fiddled with expenses to the tune of $90,000. The entire Senate's reputation has taken a hit over this, Stephen Harper's Conservatives have felt the scandal in opinion polling and Canadians from coast to coast are outraged.

But in Ontario a $1 billion scandal with the premier's finger prints on it has been overlooked.

Are you kidding me?

What is going on here?


Obama 2nd Amendment

I don't understand how a man can be elected for office when he doesn't believe in one of the fundamental rights acknowledged in the Constitution.

According to Politico.com:

President Barack Obama said Tuesday that it was "stunning to me" that Congress did not take real action to tighten gun laws following the late 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
"My biggest frustration so far is that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage," Obama said during a question-and-answer session hosted by microblogging platform Tumblr that came hours after a school shooting in Oregon.


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