Do I hear my inner voice
Or the voice of the legend? ...
Do I sympathise the subject
Or laugh on the cruel king of land? ..
Divided everything, everything
Do I accept a man who born and
Walked on this earth like us
A God, Khuda, Ishwar or Allah?
No, I can't do, Can't accept
Ya, I do accept with degree of difference.
Allah or Ishwar or Khuda or God is one
Who can be measured
Under these measures
'Say, He is one, The eternal refuse
He neither begets nor is born
Nor is there to Him any equivalent'
That's all, no other way to fall
He is not the son of Adam who create terror,
Lo! Allah loveth not the terror
Should not be forgotten,
'Everyone that is thereon will pass away'
Always I baffled and lulled
Poisonous jar labelled as honey,
My slumber narrates the story of the Man...
I walked as soul leaving body
Dead on cushion bed.
Cemetery of silence uttered nothing/
Aftab Alam