David Oladipupo Olorunshola - THE CANDLE LIGHT

PoemHunter.com 2014-06-16

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The whole room could have
Been in pitch darkness; if not for
The blue flame of the candle light,
This was the only thing visible.
Other things are barely seen
Only a flicker of the door handle
Some of the frames on the wall
The windows of the house unlocked,
Allowing gentle breeze to sneak in
Blowing the candle light
Tables and others were upturn
The door to the bathroom left ajar;
The ash tray has a cigarette butt
The flicker from the candle stick
Reveals more of the room.
On the floor lies a red flower,
And right besides it lies
A dead man.

David Oladipupo Olorunshola


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