I planned to say 'good night''
Immediately it struck me with an object out of sight
Was it in the form of blessing or good wishes?
I failed with last few letters to finish
I knew how uncertain our life is?
It had certain hidden secret causes
I thought what would be good in night
When nothing was going to be right
We wish good dreams in the sleep
It is with the traditions to keep
In good spirit and for his well being
The last words are certainly to ring
I had some misgivings about saying so
Normally I make whistle to blow
But later on I came to know about fears
Life was so ugly with fate to hear
If I fail to hear about a person next day!
If life does not turn out to be our way!
People may say I had withdrawn at last moment
So the time has come to feel sad and resent
Only he knows about tomorrow
But we wish a person with happiness to grow
We are no one on this earth to wish good or bad
Only wish person happiness and be glad
hasmukh amathalal