Cry only when nothing is left to try
Look up when you have to raise hands towards sky
So nothing which can compel you to feel shy?
Feel helpless only when you have weak wings to fly
Ask for help only when you have no other option
Choose another route when there is heave disruption
Don't sit idle if regular road is blocked
Trust no rumor even if it is joked
Some of things are heavily weighed in favor
Many may be cited for reference therefore
We need to think before embarking
Be cautious even if dog is simply barking
Take the aim when it is likely to hit bull
Shoot the arrow when picture is clear and full
Pick the smallest point where it can directly hit
Thrust hard when it is going to be marvelous feat
Think of a person who is totally handicapped
On achievement he is honored and clapped
When we are capable and able bodied
Why other things should make us worried
Do you duty and leave no stones unturned
Don't poke unnecessarily where your fingers are burnt
Chase the target and pursue the goal
Sun may smile and give bright call
hasmukh amathalal