I created flutter by saying 'I care too hoots'
All raised eyebrows but certainly misunderstood
It was not for uncaring the friends around
It was for finding new love on the ground
The creator of universe has given us beautiful heart
To feel grace from within as an art
You feel elated with each step you start
To make the people feel as an inseparable part
It is not meant for feeling stone tendency
Where water rolls away with same frequency
It has nothing to feel and nothing to store
What else it can gather and ask for more!
With each breathe heart pumps fresh blood
New feelings supplied in as tonic or food
Eyes shine with blessings to others
With sole aim of spreading it further
Heart may bleed if caused harm to any one
That grief will be shared by none
Heart may ache and cry with curse and regret
Give no more worries to feel and seal the fate
Neither is it designed to deliver shocks
Nor to receive blows from fresh stocks
It is simple mechanism to receive and store
Feel it from its depth and wishfully adore
Love to spread and love to propagate
Nothing else to mind and helplessly narrate
Shun the talk if that doesn't properly relate
Be the first person to kind gesture and never be late
Cry over every single act of emission
That may wash your dirt with honest admission
What else we need to desire than to love fellow brethrens!
World is so big to take note of with lot many concerns
hasmukh amathalal