Tessa Monaghan - Ponder

PoemHunter.com 2014-06-15

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until i fall asleep
to all my sad songs,
ill lay in my bed,
and thinking,
deeper then ever.
searching all possibilities,
positive and nagitive,
thinking of the worst,
and if I'm lucky,
the best.
Its my time to ponder
and wonder the night away.

the lights fade,
the stars fall,
and the moon grows dull.
the heat is gone,
while the shivers come.
eyes glow,
while the heart grows fond,
its only a matter of time,
before it all gets too much.
Deeper and deep you fall,
deeper and deeper you sink.
as the lights fade,
and stars fall,
and the moon grows dull.
All as i ponder,
in sync with songs
that make me wonder.

Tessa Monaghan


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